Dichloroacetic Acid, we filter that.

DICHLOROACETIC ACID is a chemical compound which is an analog of acetic acid. It is also known as Bichloroacetic acid. Dichloroacetic Acid is one of the five haloacetic acids and a member of the chloroacetic acids family. It is an essential chemical compound in medical research, especially in cancer treatment. This type of chloroacetic acid is a trace product of the process of chlorination of drinking water. Dichloroacetic Acid can get into water systems through improper disposal of waste from pharmaceutical factories. Like other Haloacetic Acids (HAAs), it can be formed in water systems through chlorination, ozonation or chloramination of drinking water.

Filter Removal Rates

Pure Filter: 99.99%

Nano Filter: 99.99%

Everyday Filter: We have not tested for this contaminant yet.*

Outdoor Filter: 99.99%

Smart Shield: 99.99%

Fridge Filter: We have not tested for this contaminant yet.*

*Why have we not tested for this? Read on here to find out