Water Filter That Filters Out Fluoride
Water Filters That Remove Fluoride And Chlorine
fluoride and drinking water

Fluoride is a naturally occurring chemical element found in various minerals and water sources. The fluoride added to drinking water differs from the naturally occurring fluoride in minerals and natural water sources. Instead, it is commonly introduced in the form of three specific chemicals: sodium fluoride (NaF), sodium fluorosilicate (Na2SiF6), and fluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6). Among these, fluorosilicic acid stands out as a byproduct generated during the production of phosphate fertilizer. These compounds are utilized for water fluoridation in the United States according to government officials to maintain dental health standards.
While the U.S. Centers for Disease Control has lauded water fluoridation as one of the "top ten public health achievements of the twentieth century," it's worth noting that a significant portion of the western world, including most of western Europe, does not practice water fluoridation. Currently, approximately 97% of the western European population consumes non-fluoridated water. This includes countries such as: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Scotland, Sweden, and Switzerland, as well as around 90% of both the United Kingdom and Spain. Wikipedia confirms that countries like Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Iceland, and Latvia also do not fluoridate their water supplies. While some of these nations may fluoridate salt, the majority do not follow this practice. It's noteworthy that despite the absence of widespread water fluoridation, tooth decay rates in Europe have declined significantly over the past five decades, raising questions about the CDC's assertion that water fluoridation is the primary driver of the decline in tooth decay rates in the United States since the 1950s.
fluoride neurotoxin
As of July 18, 2022, a comprehensive body of research comprising 85 human studies has been conducted to explore the connection between fluoride exposure and human intelligence. Remarkably, a substantial majority of these studies, precisely 76 out of 85, have concluded that heightened exposure to fluoride is linked to a decrease in IQ levels among humans. These findings are based on IQ and cognitive assessments conducted on a substantial sample size, encompassing 28,234 children across 73 studies and 689 adults in three additional studies. Particularly noteworthy are the Mother-Offspring fluoride studies, which furnish compelling evidence that fluoride exposure during both prenatal and postnatal stages of development can have detrimental effects on a child's developing brain, highlighting the potential risks associated with fluoride exposure on cognitive function.
fluoride in water

Why Is Fluoride So Hard To Remove From Water?
Fluoride is challenging to remove from drinking water due to its chemical properties. It exists as an anion, which means it carries a negative charge, making it soluble in water. This solubility makes fluoride ions highly mobile and resistant to simple physical filtration methods. Traditional water treatment processes, like sedimentation and sand filtration, are not effective in removing fluoride. Advanced treatment methods are necessary to reduce fluoride levels to acceptable standards. These processes are more complex and expensive, making large-scale removal of fluoride from drinking water a technically demanding and costly endeavor.
Designing a water filter pitcher capable of effectively removing fluoride presents a complex engineering challenge. Fluoride ions are relatively small and carry a negative charge, making them difficult to capture using traditional filter media like activated carbon, which primarily targets organic contaminants. To effectively remove fluoride, specialized filtration media such as activated alumina or ion exchange resins are required, which can selectively adsorb fluoride ions from the water. Implementing these materials in a filter pitcher while ensuring long-lasting performance and maintaining cost-effectiveness is a demanding task. Moreover, achieving consistent fluoride reduction to meet regulatory standards and accounting for variations in water quality (including sodium bicarbonate level) and flow rates adds another layer of complexity. The design must also consider the user-friendliness, size, and maintenance requirements of the pitcher to make it a practical and accessible solution for households.
Comparisons to the lead crisis draw attention to fluoride as a significant water contaminant, posing critical public health concerns. Research indicates that fluoride exposure can result in IQ deficits akin to those associated with lead exposure, even at levels commonly found in fluoridated water. Similarities in industry denial, attacks on scientists, and efforts to shift blame onto affected communities underscore the need for heightened vigilance and accountability in addressing the fluoride issue. Advocates, such as the Fluoride Action Network, assert that fluoride represents a modern-day lead crisis in water, citing evidence of adverse cognitive effects, industry tactics to minimize risks, and the urgent necessity for regulatory action to safeguard public health.
Exploring Global Practices:
Amid mounting apprehensions surrounding water fluoridation, only a handful of countries persist in this contentious public health strategy. The United States remains a key proponent, with roughly 75% of its populace receiving fluoridated water. Beyond its borders, nations like Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, and select regions in the United Kingdom also adopt varying degrees of water fluoridation. Conversely, widespread opposition and scrutiny have prompted most Western European nations and many Asian countries to either halt or suspend water fluoridation initiatives. This divergence highlights the global discourse surrounding water fluoridation and underscores the diverse approaches taken by different nations in addressing public health concerns.
remove fluoride from water
Fluoride is highly toxic, as evidenced by FDA-mandated warnings on U.S. toothpaste. In China and India, millions suffer severe bone diseases due to elevated fluoride in water. While less toxic than arsenic but more so than lead, fluoride has been used in rodenticides and pesticides. Accidental over-ingestion can lead to serious poisoning, even death.
The current debate centers on fluoride's chronic toxicity rather than its immediate effects. Dr. John Doull, the Chairman of the National Research Council’s (NRC) fluoride review, highlights unanswered questions and limited data despite claims of fluoride safety in dentistry. In 2001, EPA scientists declared water fluoridation an unreasonable risk, a stance echoed by a growing number of healthcare professionals.

fluoride removal filter

Water Filter That Removes Fluoride And Heavy Metals:
The Epic Pure Water Filter Pitcher and Dispenser were meticulously engineered with the primary goal of effectively removing fluoride and heavy metals from drinking water. These innovative filtration systems incorporate advanced filtration media, including carbon block and ion exchange resin, which have been proven to selectively adsorb fluoride ions and various heavy metals, ensuring comprehensive water purification.
The design of these products takes into account the need for efficient filtration without compromising on user convenience. They feature a sleek and user-friendly design, making them suitable for everyday household use. With a focus on maintaining high filtration performance, these Epic Pure products are designed to meet stringent water quality standards and provide peace of mind to consumers seeking to reduce fluoride and heavy metal exposure from their tap water.
pure pitcher