PFAS WATER FILTER: In recent years, growing concerns about the presence of harmful chemicals in our drinking water have brought attention to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). These persistent synthetic chemicals have been used in various industries and products, leading to their widespread presence in the environment and drinking water sources. To address this alarming issue, many water filter companies have stepped up their game to offer effective solutions. In this article, we'll delve into the importance of removing PFAS from water, explore Epic Water Filters' innovative approach, and learn how their flagship product, the Epic Pure water pitcher, was tested by a 3rd party non-profit and outperformed competitors like Brita in PFAS removal.
Understanding PFAS and Its Risks:
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a class of man-made chemicals that have been widely used in various industrial and consumer products for decades. Due to their non-stick, water-repellent, and heat-resistant properties, PFAS were commonly found in items such as non-stick cookware, food packaging, waterproof clothing, and even firefighting foam. However, these chemicals have raised significant health concerns, as they are known to be persistent, bioaccumulative, and potentially toxic.
Exposure to PFAS through contaminated drinking water has been linked to adverse health effects, including potential risks to the immune system, thyroid gland, liver, and developmental issues in fetuses and infants. Therefore, it's crucial to find effective methods to remove PFAS from our water sources.

best water filter for pfas

Water Filters That Remove PFAS: Water filters have become an essential tool in safeguarding our drinking water from various contaminants, including PFAS. While traditional water filtration methods like granular activated carbon can reduce certain impurities, newer solid carbon fiber block technology has shown remarkable efficiency in PFAS removal. Solid carbon fiber block filters have a denser structure, allowing them to effectively capture and adsorb PFAS molecules, ensuring clean and safe drinking water.
What about RO water filters? RO filter systems may remove PFAS, but they come with five major downsides. Firstly, they are expensive, costing 2x to 3x more than carbon fiber block systems, with multiple filters requiring yearly replacement. Secondly, RO systems waste a lot of water, using around 5 to 6 gallons to produce 1 gallon of drinking water. Thirdly, RO water filters remove essential trace minerals and nutrients, making it less beneficial for your health. Fourthly, the butyl rubber bladder in the steel drum of RO systems may leach into the filtered water. Lastly, some RO companies add "Remineralization Cartridges" to compensate for lost nutrients, but these may not be as effective as natural sources. In contrast, solid carbon block filters do not have these issues.
PFAS FILTER: Gravity filtration using solid carbon fiber block filters offers significant advantages in removing contaminants like PFAS from water. Unlike some complex filtration systems that require electricity or water pressure to operate, gravity filters rely on the force of gravity to pass water through the filtration media, making them highly cost-effective and energy-efficient. These filters often use solid carbon block technology, which has proven to be highly effective in capturing PFAS molecules and other impurities. Moreover, gravity filtration systems are easy to set up and maintain, making them accessible to a wide range of users. With their ability to remove PFAS efficiently, their simplicity of operation, and minimal environmental impact, gravity filters stand out as a reliable and convenient solution to ensure clean and safe drinking water for households and communities.
do brita filters remove pfas

In a comprehensive evaluation conducted by EWG (Environmental Working Group) to assess water filters' ability to remove PFAS, two variants from Brita were put to the test: the standard Brita filter and the Brita Elite. These filters are known for their popularity and widespread use, with the standard Brita filter being one of the most affordable granular activated carbon filters available, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious consumers. Its initial cost is relatively low, and the ongoing replacement of filters is also economical.
However, despite its cost-effectiveness, EWG's testing revealed that the standard Brita filter exhibited a modest reduction rate of only 66% for PFAS in water. While this level of removal is still beneficial, it pales in comparison to the impressive 98% PFAS removal achieved by the Epic Pure water filter, setting a high standard for contaminant removal. In contrast, when EWG tested the Brita Elite, which utilizes a different type of filter media, the overall PFAS reduction dropped significantly to just 22%.
This drastic decrease in efficiency raises concerns about the Brita Elite's capacity to effectively address PFAS contamination in water. Furthermore, the EWG's independent tester discovered that the Brita Elite faced an additional issue regarding its sealing capabilities. Reports indicated that the filter didn't seal as well as expected, potentially leading to leaks and compromising the overall performance of the filtration system. This critical flaw might explain the Brita Elite's subpar results, ultimately ranking it as the water filter with the lowest overall PFAS reduction among all the filters tested.
DOES BRITA REMOVE PFAS: The findings from EWG's rigorous assessments highlight the importance of selecting water filters with proven effectiveness in removing harmful contaminants like PFAS. While the standard Brita filter offers a budget-friendly option, it may not provide the most efficient PFAS removal. Conversely, the disappointing performance of the Brita Elite emphasizes the necessity of choosing filters that not only use effective filtration media but also maintain a secure seal to ensure optimal water purification. For consumers seeking top-tier PFAS removal, the Epic Pure water filter emerges as a clear favorite, offering an exceptional 98% removal rate and upholding its reputation as a reliable and effective solution for clean and safe drinking water.
do pur filters remove pfas
Does PUR Water Filter Remove PFAS: During EWG's assessment of water filters for PFAS removal, the PUR water filter pitcher demonstrated a PFAS reduction rate of 79%. While this reduction is noteworthy, it falls on the lower end compared to other elite water filter pitchers that were tested, significantly trailing behind the outstanding 98% reduction achieved by the Epic Pure water filter. Moreover, the EWG tester observed that the filtering time of the PUR pitcher was relatively slow, potentially causing inconvenience for users who prefer a quicker filtration process. Another drawback identified during the evaluation was the PUR pitcher's small reservoir capacity.
This limited capacity meant that users would need to refill the pitcher frequently, posing a challenge for households with multiple individuals relying on the water filter for their drinking water needs. The need for frequent refills can be particularly burdensome and time-consuming, especially when several people are relying on the filtered water from the pitcher. While the PUR water filter pitcher offers a respectable level of PFAS reduction, its slower filtration speed and limited reservoir capacity should be considered when evaluating its suitability for households with higher water consumption needs.

Epic Water Filters has emerged as a frontrunner in the fight against PFAS-contaminated water. Through extensive research and innovation, they have developed a cutting-edge solid carbon fiber block water filter that significantly reduces PFAS in drinking water.
The Epic Pure water pitcher has been put to the test and earned praise from prominent organizations like the Environmental Working Group ( According to their evaluations, the Epic Pure water pitcher was found to remove an impressive 98% of PFAS, making it their "favorite choice" among water pitchers for PFAS removal. The's extensive study compared the performance of various water pitchers, including popular brands like Brita, Brita Long Last and PUR. Regrettably, Brita filters were found to have limited success in removing PFAS, falling significantly short of the exceptional results achieved by the Epic Pure.
Why Choose Epic Pure for PFAS Removal?
- Unmatched PFAS Removal: As confirmed by the study, the Epic Pure water pitcher has proven its superior capability to eliminate up to 98% of PFAS from tap water, ensuring that you and your family are protected from potential health risks.
- Advanced Solid Carbon Fiber Block Filter: The cutting-edge technology employed in Epic Pure's solid carbon block filter ensures thorough filtration, preventing PFAS molecules from bypassing the system.
- Reliable and Eco-Friendly: Investing in an Epic Pure water pitcher means reducing the consumption of single-use plastic water bottles, promoting a more sustainable lifestyle, and contributing to the reduction of plastic waste in our environment.
- Great Tasting Water: Experience the joy of great tasting water as you bid farewell to unpleasant odors, chlorine aftertastes, and impurities. Embrace the pure refreshment and crisp flavors that await you with every delightful sip from your Epic Water Filters' pitcher.