It's National Women's Health Week!
Appropriately following Mother's Day is National Women's Health Week! So from today (it actually started May 10th on Mother's Day!) until May 16th, let's celebrate the women we know and love, including ourselves and take some healthy steps this week together!
This week marks the celebration of women and a time dedicated to focusing on being healthy, staying healthy, and getting healthy! Whether you are a woman yourself or have special women in your life, this is a great opportunity to refocus and feel supported in doing so, while women all over the country take a moment (or two) for themselves.

Being a woman has many facets and comes in many shapes and colors. While we each experience being a woman in our own way, we all share certain experiences and can feel the thread of underlying connectivity we all share. Life is better when we have supportive women around us, when we as women, feel like we have the tools we need to accomplish what we set our hearts on, and when we are given the space to change and move throughout it.
If you feel like you could use some more time to refocus on what you want or need, now is a great time to take for yourself. This will look different for each woman depending on what other responsibilities you may have, but know that you are not alone in doing this, and even something small can go a long way.
Since you already have enough on your plate, we've put together a list of things you can try out or do this week to reprioritize your health. And who knows, maybe one of these will stick!
Women's Health Week Tips & Tricks
Drink some extra water
Hydration is so important for our health. So have an extra glass of water each day this week, and feel free to spice it up by adding something extra like a slice of a lemon or a lime, some cut up cucumber, or a few leaves of mint. It's such a small thing you can do, but your body will be grateful nonetheless!
Take a bath or some time for yourself
I like to light candles, put on a face mask, and listen to some calming music when I take a bath. It's such a nice way to relax, feel pampered, and take a moment for yourself to reflect. If that's not an option for you, take a moment to journal or to read, and allow yourself some uninterrupted you time.
Stretch & move that body
Take some time in the morning to stretch or do so before bed. I sometimes like to start my day by doing a few jumping jacks to let my body know it's time to be awake! Movement is so crucial for health, and even fifteen minutes of movement is better than none! (Chasing kids around included & dance parties are always encouraged)
Make one food tweak a day
Choose a meal each day that you can make with health in mind. It could be simple like just adding some greens on the side, or you can opt for a meal full of vegetables and nutrients of your choice. Maybe swap out your normal dessert for fruit, or dark chocolate, (we won't count that out.) Or choose to put something aside for one meal that you can probably live without (maybe just don't want to.)
Notice how you feel when you make a small decision each day to feel good and care for yourself. When I'm having trouble motivating myself to make a healthy choice, I remind myself how it feels after I do it, and use that feeling as motivation. And remember, it's the little things that count, and you don't have to make drastic changes overnight, just commit to working toward them.

And for all the men out there, think of the women in your life you love, and even just by making healthy choices yourself, you can encourage those around you to do the same!
H A P P Y W O M E N ' S H E A L T H W E E K!
Forrest G
Crazy about clean water, rocks (climbing them), and gardening